Study Abroad in Japan
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Study Abroad in Japan: What You Need To Know

Recently, Japan has seen a significant rise in international students studying abroad. The country is rich in culture and a great learning environment for students.

From its bustling cities to its stunning countryside, it’s no wonder why students decide to pursue their studies in Japan. However, applying to universities, adjusting to life there, and understanding the culture can all be intimidating for those unfamiliar with the country.

In this article, we’ll provide essential tips for international students studying in Japan, from applying to universities to finding a place to live. With these tips, international students can be well-prepared and make the most of their study abroad experience in Japan.

Study Abroad in Japan

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Study Abroad in Japan – How To Apply To A University In Japan

Applying to a university in Japan can be daunting, but with the proper guidance, you can make the process easier. Here is a guide to applying to a university in Japan:

Research And Pick A Study Abroad in Japan Program

It is essential to research and pick a program when applying to a university in Japan because it will help you find the best fit for your academic and career goals. By researching and selecting a program, you can ensure that your chosen program will have the suitable classes, professors, and opportunities that best suit your interests and goals. This will help you make the most of your educational experience in Japan.

For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in business, you should research and pick a program with courses in accounting, finance, and economics. Additionally, if you are interested in the Japanese language and culture, research and select a program that offers Japanese language, literature, and culture studies. By researching and picking a program, you can ensure you get the best educational experience in Japan.

Several popular study abroad programs for Japan offer students the opportunity to learn about the Japanese language, culture, and society. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Japan Study Abroad: This program offers students the chance to study the Japanese language and culture at various universities across Japan. Students can choose from multiple courses and programs, including language immersion programs, internships, and cultural excursions.
  • International Christian University: This program is popular with students interested in studying liberal arts in Japan. The program offers courses in English and Japanese, and students can choose from a wide range of majors and minors.
  • Temple University Japan: This program is designed for students interested in studying ss, law, and other professional fields in Japan. Students can choose from various courses and programs, including internships, study tours, and cultural excursions.
learn japanese culture
  • Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies: This program is designed for students interested in studying the Japanese language and culture in Kyoto, Japan’s ancient capital. The program offers courses in various subjects, including literature, history, art, and religion.
  • Kansai Gaidai University: This program offers students the chance to study the Japanese language and culture at one of Japan’s most prestigious universities. The program is known for its immersive language programs and cultural excursions, which give students a deep understanding of Japanese society and culture.
  • Sophia University: This program is designed for students interested in studying the Japanese language, culture, and society in Tokyo. The program offers courses in various subjects, including language, history, sociology, and politics.

These are just a few of the many study abroad programs available for students interested in studying in Japan. It’s essential to research each program carefully and choose the one that best fits your interests and goals.

Secure Finances for Tuition

It is essential to seek finances when applying to a university in Japan because tuition and other fees associated with the university are expensive. In addition, various scholarships and grants are available for students who meet specific criteria. Furthermore, many loan options are available for students who need more money to pay for their tuition. By seeking out sources of financial aid, students can reduce the burden of education and other expenses associated with attending university in Japan.

Get Your Visa

Once you’ve decided which program to pursue and set your finances in order, your next move should be to apply for a visa. A visa is a crucial step in applying to a university in Japan, as it allows you to enter the country to pursue your studies legally. You must also receive a residence permit and any documents needed to study in the country.

Applying for a visa can be tricky, but it is essential to follow it carefully to avoid any issues. First, you must gather all the required documents, including the completed application form, a passport, a valid student visa, a letter of acceptance from your chosen university, and other documents that may be necessary. You must then submit the documents to the Japanese Embassy or the consulate in your home country.

Once the application is reviewed and approved, you can receive your student visa and start arranging your stay in Japan. It is important to note that some visas may require an interview, and it is wise to research the specific visa requirements you are applying for.

Related: When Do You Need A Travel Visa: The Complete Guide To Visa’s

Tips On How To Live While You Study Abroad in Japan

Now that you know how to apply to a university in Japan, what is next? You may wonder how to make the most of your time in the country. Here are some tips on how to live in Japan:

Find Affordable Accommodation

Finding affordable accommodation is your number one trick to making your stay and studying in Japan efficient. Finding an excellent place to live at a reasonable cost can be a challenge, but a few tips can help you:

  • Do your research online and look at websites such as Airbnb and These websites often offer decent deals on accommodation and usually have a variety of options to choose from.
  • Student housing websites are worth checking out; many offer special student discounts.
  • It is worth looking for hostels or dormitories, which usually provide the lowest prices.
Study Abroad in Japan Accomodations

Secondly, it is worth looking for accommodation outside of Tokyo and other large cities, as these are more affordable. Additionally, it is worth looking for shared accommodation, which is usually much cheaper than individual accommodation. Furthermore, it is always worth negotiating with landlords, who might be willing to reduce their prices.

Finally, it is worth considering accommodation far from the city center, which can often be much cheaper. By sticking to these tips, you should be able to find affordable housing that will make your stay and studying in Japan much more manageable.

Purchase Health And Property Insurance

Another important tip for surviving and thriving in Japan is to get health and property insurance. Health insurance is essential for the safety and well-being of the student. It helps cover the costs of medical care should the student suffer an illness or injury. Without health insurance, the cost of medical care can be exorbitant and put a strain on a student’s budget.

Property insurance is also essential as it helps cover the costs of any damage to personal belongings, should any accidents or theft occur. Insurance helps offset the costs of unfortunate incidents while studying in Japan, which can significantly relieve the student.

Finding the right insurance can be daunting, but several tips can help. Firstly, research different types of insurance and understand what type of coverage is necessary. It’s also essential to compare insurance companies to find the best deal. It’s also important to read the fine print and ensure the insurance plan covers all necessary aspects. Finally, asking questions and ensuring that the student fully understands the insurance plan details before signing up is essential. This way, the student can ensure they get the best coverage for their needs.

Acquire A Residence Card

Japanese Residence Card

Getting a residence card helps make your stay and study in Japan easier. For one, having a residence card ensures that you can stay in Japan long-term, indicating that you are a legitimate resident of Japan.

Additionally, it makes it much easier to open a bank account, rent an apartment, and apply for a job. Lastly, a residence card is a valid form of identification to access public services and facilities, like hospitals and libraries.

To apply for your residence card, you must apply at your local immigration office. Be sure to bring your passport, visa, recent photo, and any other documents required by the office. You will also be required to pay a fee, usually around 3000 yen. After submitting your application, you should receive your residence card in the mail within two weeks.

Learn And Research Japanese Culture

Learning Japanese and researching Japanese culture helps make staying and studying in Japan much more manageable. Being able to communicate with native Japanese speakers and understand the culture can help make life in Japan much more comfortable and enjoyable.

Learning the language and researching the culture also gives students a better understanding of the people and the environment they will live in. Understanding the language and culture will help students adjust and make the most of their stay in Japan.

Studying the language can be made more accessible using textbooks, online courses, and mobile apps. Additionally, interacting with native speakers, attending language exchange events, and watching Japanese TV shows and movies can help students better understand the language and culture.

The culture can be researched by reading books, visiting museums, and talking to locals. Additionally, attending festivals, trying new foods, and exploring the local area can help students understand the culture and gain an appreciation for the country.

Japanese Culture

Get A Part-time Job

A part-time job while studying in Japan can be a great way to pay for living expenses, such as rent, food, and other necessities. It can also be an invaluable way to learn more about Japanese culture and language, as many part-time jobs involve working with Japanese people. As an international student, having a part-time job can help you make friends and network with potential employers. Additionally, having a part-time job may help you gain experience and skills that will be useful when you return to your home country. Finally, having a part-time job can help reduce your overall financial burden and make it easier to stay in Japan while studying.

Join A Club Or Organization

Lasting relationships and valuable connections are vital components of studying in a foreign country, and joining a club or organization is one of the easiest ways to access both. Being part of a club or organization allows one to meet new people and build relationships with people with similar interests and goals. These connections can support and guidance throughout the entire study abroad experience, from finding housing to attending cultural events.

In addition, joining a club or organization can help students stay in Japan longer. Clubs and organizations often provide financial aid, scholarships, and other forms of support, such as language lessons and job postings. Moreover, joining a club or organization can open up a world of activities and events that are not easily accessible to students not part of a club.

Join A Japanese Club Or Organization

These events can provide valuable opportunities to learn about the culture and gain a deeper understanding of the country. By joining a club or organization, students can easily stay in Japan longer and gain invaluable experiences that will help them grow personally and professionally.


How much does it cost to study abroad in Japan?

The cost of studying abroad in Japan can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the length of your stay, the type of program you choose, the location of your program, and your spending habits. Here are some estimated costs to give you an idea:

Tuition Fees: Tuition fees for studying in Japan can range from around ¥535,800 (USD 4,700) to ¥2,470,000 (USD 21,700) per year, depending on the institution and program of study.

Living Expenses: Living expenses in Japan can vary depending on your location, but the average cost of living in Japan for a student is estimated to be around ¥90,000-¥120,000 (~$790-USD 1,050) per month. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, and other necessities.

Accommodation: Accommodation in Japan can vary greatly depending on the type of housing you choose. A shared apartment or dormitory can cost around ¥30,000-¥50,000 ($260-USD 440) per month, while a private apartment can cost ¥70,000-¥100,000 ($610-USD 880) per month.

Airfare: The cost of airfare to Japan will depend on your location and the time of year. However, a round-trip ticket from the United States to Japan can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500.

Health Insurance: Health insurance is mandatory for all international students in Japan. The cost of health insurance varies depending on the provider, but it is usually around ¥20,000-¥30,000 (~$175-USD 260) per year.

It would be best to budget at least ¥1,000,000-¥2,000,000 (~$8,800-USD 17,600) per year for studying in Japan, depending on your lifestyle and program choices.
How much does it cost to study abroad in Japan

What kind of visa is required for studying abroad in Japan?

When studying in Japan, most international students require a student visa. It must be obtained at the Japanese Embassy or consulate in your country of residence.

What are the requirements for applying to a Japanese university?

The requirements for applying to a Japanese university vary depending on the university. Generally, applicants need to provide proof of academic qualifications and language proficiency.

How do I find accommodation in Japan?

There are several options for finding accommodation in Japan. International students can stay in university dormitories, rent an apartment, or stay in a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn).

How do I open a bank account in Japan?

To create a bank account in Japan, you must provide your residence card and passport. Some banks may also require a letter of introduction from your university.

Are there any scholarships available for international students in Japan?

Yes, there are a variety of scholarships available for international students in Japan. These include government-sponsored scholarships, university-specific scholarships, and private scholarships.

Closing Thoughts

Studying abroad in Japan is an incredible opportunity to experience a unique culture, learn a new language, and gain valuable skills and experiences. Following the tips outlined in this article, international students can be well-prepared and make the most of their study abroad experience in Japan. From applying to universities to finding a place to live, these tips can help international students smoothly transition into life in Japan. With the proper guidance and preparation, international students can make their study abroad experience in Japan memorable and rewarding.

Author Bio

Adrian is an experienced college writer and researcher who has spent years honing his craft in the academic setting. His expertise in research techniques and analytical methods has been used significantly in multiple educational environments. Outside his studies, Adrian enjoys traveling to different institutions worldwide, networking with peers, and building his knowledge base. He is an invaluable resource for any student or educational institution seeking an experienced and knowledgeable writer. Of course, by reading this article, students with Adrian can explore sports and physical education.

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